Regular Activities
Worship - a service takes place each Sunday morning at 10.30. We usually have Methodist or Anglican clergy or other preachers participating. Some services are based on Methodist traditions and forms and others on Anglican ones. Details of services appear here. Early risers can join a service of Holy Communion at 08.00 each Sunday, led by a member of the Parish's clergy team and following the Book of Common Prayer
Open Church – St Mary’s is usually open (subject to volunteer availability) each Tuesday between 13.00 - 15.00, Thursday between 11.00 and 15.00 and 11.00 - 13.00 each Friday for anyone to drop in for a chat, a coffee or just to escape for some quiet. We’re working to be open more.
Night Vision - Go along Quarry Street on the last Friday evening of the month and you'll find St. Mary's glowing with colour until at least 23.00 and beckoning you to explore Guildford's oldest building. It's become part of Guildford's nightlife - but might come as a bit of a surprise. Find out more here Night Vision currently takes the form of a weekly Vigil for Peace in Ukraine. Since the invasion in February 2022, thousands of people have taken a few minutes (or more) from their evening out to share in this Vigil, between 21.00 and 23.00 on Friday evenings.
Lunchtime Reflections – during Advent (the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas) and Lent (the 7 weeks running up to Easter) we run a series of lunchtime Reflections with a speaker for 10-15 minutes then you can chat over a simple bread and soup lunch. Find out more here.
Coffee and Cake – usually runs from 10.30 to 12.00 on the 4th Thursday of the month (except when Lunchtime Reflections take place in Advent and Lent). Download more information.
Chit Chat - a drop-in for foreign residents of Guildford offering an opportunity to practise their English and find out about life in Guildford. Wednesday mornings from 09.30 to 11.00 (during term time). Currently also available on Zoom . Find Out More.
Organ recitals - come along to hear our organ put through its paces by leading organists, monthly, at 13.10, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Find Out More
Our partnership with the very active Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s Parish offers an even wider range of activities – see the Parish website
Some of these activities may not take place during holiday periods.
If you’re travelling any distance do please check with us first.